Find Your Path to a
Brighter Financial Future
Fee-Only Financial Planning and Investment Advice
Who We Serve
Everyone has to deal with the reality of limited resources: there are finite amounts of time, energy, money, etc. available to each of us. The financial choices that we face are often complex and can seem overwhelming. At one time or another, most people will find that they need professional financial advice in order to make the best possible decisions.
Do you feel…
frustrated because you don't have time to plan adequately for your financial future?
confused by the maze of financial choices that you face?
in need of a second opinion to help validate an important financial decision?
that you’re not sure whether you’ve prepared adequately for retirement?
that you’d like to make prudent investment decisions, but you find that the task of keeping up with your investments is too stressful?
that you need a trusted financial advisor - a fiduciary whose compensation doesn’t depend on selling you a financial product?
Our Services
Clients may engage FFS for advice regarding a single financial concern, for the development of an integrated financial plan, or for anything in between. The maintenance of lifelong financial health involves recognizing that needs, circumstances, tax laws, and financial options can and will change over time. Financial planning is a process - not a one-time event. As needs change, we can provide personal, cost-effective guidance to help update your plans accordingly.
Our Purpose
At Fisher Financial Strategies, we help our clients identify their goals and develop a plan to accomplish them. We are a Fee-Only financial planning firm. We are compensated by our clients, not through commissions or fees from client purchases of financial or insurance products. Because we work on an hourly or project basis, we are free to focus on you and your concerns. If you need a financial product, we can help you identify the best solutions available; if you don’t need one, we’ll help you confirm that.
Whether you need a simple financial check-up, advice on how to allocate your 401(k), 403(b), or IRA funds, help in planning for your child’s education, or assistance in developing a complete, integrated financial plan for your family’s future, we’ll work with you to ensure that your goals are clearly defined and guide you in pursuing them effectively.
Steps for Successful
Planning Experience
We need 2 types of information from you to make a successful planning experience, soft and hard information. Whether hard or soft, all of this information comes from the client. With it, we can provide analysis and insight into the possibilities. Without it, we’re severely limited in our ability to help you develop your financial plan.
Hard Information
The “hard” information is mostly numerical
What do you spend?
What investments do you already own?
What is your income?
What kind of insurance do you have, and how much do you pay for it?
At the beginning of the planning process, we provide you with a checklist of the information needed, as well as a suggested format for some of the data. The list may be small or voluminous, depending on a client’s particular circumstances. This information is critical to the planning process.
Soft Information
The ”soft” information is more interesting to most people, but sometimes, it’s harder to identify.
Your goals
Your priorities
Your values – the things that are most important to you. It may include:
Sending your children to college
Retiring early
Supporting your favorite charitable interests
Renovating your home
Caring for aged parents.
It can also include goals that are “what-ifs” for your family, like the possible acquisition of a vacation home, or the possibility of making a significant career change.
Developing this “soft” information is sometimes an iterative process in which we generate possible scenarios for you using varying assumptions, and help you compare the likely financial consequences of one option versus those of another.

At Fisher Financial Strategies, we help our clients identify their goals and develop a plan to accomplish them.
Let us take the mystery out of financial planning so you can focus on what matters.